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DALL·E 2024-02-10 22.19.38 - Illustrate a cave painting that depicts the essence of Kerala


The KN Raj Economics Club is a vibrant pan-Kerala movement, dedicated to infusing economics academia with humanity and inclusivity. Rooted in the rich cultural and academic heritage of Kerala—India's epitome of literacy, diversity, and natural beauty—our club champions a pluralistic and rational approach to economics. Embracing the legacy of the esteemed Malayali economist Prof. K.N. Raj, we strive to cultivate a community amongst the young Malayali economics diaspora that is open to heterodox ideas and inclusive of all identities, including LGBTQAI+. Through fun, alternative educational activities, we aim to dismantle caste discrimination and foster a more inclusive, diverse economic discourse. Join us in our journey to explore and learn economics with a unique Malayali twist, where every voice is heard, and every perspective valued.

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